COURSE DESCRIPTION: This field course examines the various submarine gravity deposits (deepwater valleys/canyons, channels, channelized and non-channelized lobes, mass failures, injectites, etc.) in an up-dip to down-dip depositional profile of Jackfork Group (Pennsylvanian) strata across the Morrowan Ouachita Basin of Arkansas. The five-day trip visits outcrops of submarine slope canyon fill, submarine slope and basin channel fill, basin floor sheet sandstones and rare leveed-channel complexes. Outcrops are seen in remarkable dam and quarry exposures. In one area, a 3-D geologic model has been completed and this outcrop has undergone reservoir simulation using the Eclipse™ modeling software. At each outcrop, measured stratigraphic sections, outcrop gamma ray logs and (in some cases) ground-penetrating radar examples are provided, which tie outcrop observations to analog subsurface reservoir features. Unique depositional features and inferred processes are discussed. The Jackfork Group is widely considered to be an outcrop analog to many deepwater (turbidite) reservoirs worldwide. We will show some direct scaling to the Wilcox of the Gulf of Mexico.
Registration should be made at least one month before the start of a course. It is recommended that participants register early due to limited seating. However, we will accept paid registrations up to the last business day before the class, provided there are seats available. Registrants will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours of registration and will receive complete venue information two weeks prior to the first day of class.
REMINDER: your seat in a course is NOT confirmed until payment is received.