WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Geoscientists, landmen, attorneys, financial and accounting managers, support professionals and other non-technical personnel who require a basic understanding of petroleum
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This 4-day course describes the main aspects of reservoir engineering. Reservoir engineering has been defined as “the art of developing and producing oil and gas fluids in such a manner as to obtain a high economic recovery” (Moore, 1955). The module begins with a broad overview showing how reservoir engineers assess the value of the reservoir from volumetric, fluids, flow, and investment perspectives and contrasts conventional and unconventional resources. Next is an elaboration on how much gas or oil can be recovered from various natural conventional reservoir drive mechanisms in gas or oil reservoirs, respectively. Then is a review of unconventional gas resources, contrasting with conventional gas reservoirs, followed by a similar review for unconventional oil resources.
Registration should be made at least one month before the start of a course. It is recommended that participants register early due to limited seating. However, we will accept paid registrations up to the last business day before the class, provided there are seats available. Registrants will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours of registration and will receive complete venue information two weeks prior to the first day of class.
REMINDER: your seat in a course is NOT confirmed until payment is received.